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tv   Documentary  RT  January 14, 2014 3:29pm-4:01pm EST

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corporation at first wanted to commercialize the miracle rice then changed its mind . and a country where tests are being carried out that would be prohibited in other places . and. researchers who manipulate crops are demanding more freedom the freedom to conduct their research free of political constraints they feel the moratorium that has been imposed on genetic technology for years unfairly hinders them in their efforts but public distrust of genetic manipulation has been immense for many years. artificially modifying the genetic structure of plants and animals scares people
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also because researchers are hesitant to reveal their secrets and explain exactly what it is they are doing. odd to see it. in this tense and polarized atmosphere professor engel put trike as. an engineering science technology mathematics and management university has created in a greenhouse a strain of genetically engineered rice that contains pro vitamin a the rice is intended to benefit under nourished people not feed the profit of the agricultural industry. i hold that mothers in families where vitamin a deficiency is a problem have understood that eating this rice will be good for them because if we expect to finally start delivering this golden rice to farmers in the philippines by the end of this year ended uses those initially if you. the symbolic and this is
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the poster boy of. the seeds and genetically engineered in the city and this is something. if the horse. is the golden rice a blessing or a curse we went to the philippines in search of the answer. the country is home to nineteen million rice eaters here rice is not just a basic food state it's part of the culture. this is where people are being asked to abandon their a custom ways and switch to the new golden yellow type of rice. we traveled to the philippines to find out how this idea is being implemented we were told the authorities would decide within the year whether to approve the rice. at the international rice research institute preparations are well underway the erie wants to bring the new strain of rice to market. our quest began in the capital
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city of manila a metropolis with a population of twelve million. do the people of the philippines want this kind of product have all the respect identified or are people afraid of unforeseen side effects that might occur when store shelves are filled with a genetically modified version of their most important basic food stuffs. were stuck in our hotel for weeks we've been in touch with the authorities but now that we're here they don't want to see us why not are they afraid we'll ask unpleasant questions. the erie also stops communicating with us while we're still in switzerland we had arranged to film the next harvest of the golden rice but one month before the appointed time our request was rejected the hearing won't tell us why where perplexed. the inventor of this miracle rice ingle
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put frankness has lived and worked in switzerland for many years he is dedicated to the idea of harnessing unpopular genetic technology and using it to help people so i had to do this ever since i first started working i've tried to ensure that my words benefits the world's poorest people lose and. he's become is not a scientist i'm an engineer engineer it is my desire to solve practical problems as i use science as a way to solve real world problem is. they are at the heart of his efforts malnourished or undernourished children and pregnant women acute vitamin a deficiency usually results in blindness or even death the world health organization estimates that two hundred million children around the world suffer from a lack of vitamin a. since the one nine hundred eighty s.
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ingle put try case has concentrated his efforts exclusively on rice the staple food of the poor for thirteen years his research produced no visible success. then he teamed up with peter bya a cellular biologist from fribourg together they finally achieved the unthinkable in favor one evening in february of one nine hundred ninety nine peter buyer called me in my laboratory and it was long after dark i was still there and he called me and said turn on your computer i'm going to send a picture and you will like it and of course we were thrilled after all this time to see it not only white through it also a few yellow grains of rice because that told us we had finally really done it all tongue because in comes to us it is your soft. the world's media praised trike is and his colleague for their breakthrough. they were also on by the
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scientific community. they were even given an audience with the pope. but the golden rice engineers were still a long way from achieving their real goals. we set out to find people in the philippines who are suffering from vitamin a deficiency. s. a village on the outskirts of the citie of manilla. tens of thousands of people live off what they can find in the trash. if they find anything that can be reused they try to resell it for a few pesos but that's hardly enough to buy healthy food. we accompany the community dr m i read dyson on her rounds through the village life is tough here she said many had just one or at the most two meals per day for
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a new phone. dr dyson examines the children for all kinds of problems at regular intervals respiratory diseases and infections are rampant she said you know as well as digestion problems i think either my sum up what. do you. call it what on earth and what about vitamin a deficiency would. think it will i've been here in play at this for about three years now and so far i have not seen any vitamin a deficiency in this yes. this is probably because of that are they. giving off white i mean is supplements in. the schoolchildren and it's are regular program other reading from department of health. the
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government distributes vitamin e. and health centers like this one children between the ages of six months and five years receive two doses per year free of charge. the program is very successful. according to national statistics forty percent of the population was not getting enough vitamin a as recently as ten years ago. so. i've years ago that figured had decreased to fifteen percent. it is not clear how many still suffer from vitamin a deficiency today. the pro vitamin a rice would be less expensive for the government the inventors of the project are sure of it but first the golden rice must make the transition from the laboratory to the rice paddies the researchers set out on a quest for money and power and found both in the world's largest agricultural chemistry corporation in basel. zinc and is soon going to responded
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to an offer we made. as we proposed giving the company the commercial rights to our product. lines and if in the. the company would support our humanitarian project via it is to engage who it is for. but a sensitive issue remains where is the borderline between commercial and humanitarian use. our goal was to allow all poor farmers to take part free of charge and of course it was in single interest to define used for as narrowly as possible because they wanted to potentially make money. in addition his own we agreed upon a definition and if the rice farmer was making less than ten thousand dollars a year with the golden rice that was still considered humanitarian assistance to. improve the genetic technology the number of foreign genes in golden rice was
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reduced from nine to two a corn gene and a gene from a bacteria. has founded the golden rice humanitarian board which was to guide golden rice to world wide success. adrian do block a former employee was named executive secretary he explained where the financial backing for golden rice came from today the golden eyes project is being financed in the philippines and bangladesh by the gates foundation for the last. couple of years. it's being financed by a little bit a little residue of rockefeller foundation money. and a little bit of usa id money in asia and warren buffett who also has contributed to those funds and bill gates dad who is also part of it. i think they are
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funding this project as part of a portfolio of potential health interventions. to try genuinely to improve the lot of the impoverished of society and improve their life expectancy and improve the quality of life illustrious names powerful from anthropos as financial sponsors adrian do block implied that the money from the super rich donors was not just a blessing but also brought risk still without it we would be nowhere so we're extremely pleased to have it. whenever you accept funds from an organization the organization wants to involve itself in the management that's understandable and combi refuses the handing out the checks. the gates foundation wanted to distribute the miracle rice to the philippines first we wanted to go there just in time for the harvest of the vital but genetically unmodified basic
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food stuff something no other camera team had ever been allowed to film although our invitation was subsequently rescinded we decided to give it a try anyway. i
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. sink estates mar the u.k. equivalent to american ghettos council states with high levels of economic disadvantage and often blighted by high crime rates but there's a new sort of sink estate in the u.k. and it's not in. our gospel oak though this sink estate is right here in the city of london this moral sink estate is also nurtured by the government dole but rather than locking in high levels of economic disadvantage this state is plagued by intergenerational economic advantage that instead of being impossible for the residents to succeed it is impossible for the residents of this banking sink to
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fail. previously peacekeepers were present concerned with monitoring peace deals in that post conflict environment nowadays they're increasingly asked to operate in the. violence to leave. moshe loose with these people who have caused over almost twenty four million people to millions of displaced and refugees tens of thousands of women raped. children recruit. slaves no.
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economic down in the final. days. and the rest. will be briefly. if we met the local representatives of greenpeace they have been monitoring the activities regarding golden rice with a skeptical eye and are familiar with the exact locations of the golden rice fields . a group of observers operating in secret has already checked out the area you're going to be. able. to hold. these folks here during these years. earlier that's we're looking for. this for good or for bait spends just for. the fun in the streets of.
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the city. will greenpeace be able to get us there why do you bring us there so that they accepted. the debates about the safety and he said don't call the nation eat meat much might. be experimental rice field is on the premises of phil rice the national rice research institute bill rice and erie have collaborated closely on golden rice and maybe. we are turned away at the main gate. and if it right your names and the official reason for your visit here. it won't be easy to get in an employee refers us tour bus. we ask him whether we can film the golden rice harvest. what it can we may have
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made any of. these. series normal b.g. no filming please no cameras no information sounds like a well kept secret we're only allowed to see the gold. when rice on an advertising poster but wasn't this rice supposed to go to market within the current year again were preplanned. we try to catch a glimpse of the test field from the back you know. this is not nice to feel that it's. ok though you can see trials i. hear this from you which it which i. hope. it says close as we can get. the experimental field is fenced
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in but that's all we can tell you from our vantage point. why is the public being kept in the dark about what's happening there this is used by the industry as a poster boy for a box up or genetically engineered crops in our food system and and just accept it as if this without quests on you know without school within the without the public knowing about it like it's not even look at even see the child to get even a start then so. we will be the one taking that risk when all the nice comes out so we have to know what that is six are really the risks are and whether we have reviewed the capacity or not. absorbed and that will be the basis for a decision whether to approve it or in. opposition to the golden rice is increasing in the philippines also in parliament. in the bakken minoa we met up with rafael marianna
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a member of the philippine house of representatives and he is critical of genetic modification. he made a combative impression. now. more than fibro binged private assess. when he finally peace and but on guys that passed their respective ordinance s. binding the entry commission field testing and commercialization of. pride containing genetically modified organisms including god and ice in their respective . or jurisdiction and it's the number is still increasing we don't one. don't mistake my. blood the golden age and consequently be controlled by a few transnational corporations obgyn dianne's. and i know but they want to keep it for free. i don't believe that. for
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every three. their primary motive is profit not mine it is. not for social justice. but. inequalities the project has a lot of opposition no doubt about it. not really no because. this rises just like the only rights except the complex be the carroty and in the. you know what why would you not want to give beat accounting to somebody who needed it to stay alive or continue to be able to see. for an ideology because you don't like globalization because you don't like capitalism which seem to be the underlying trends because you're all you have
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a romantic attachment to smallholder farming going to be a small the fama in a developing country try being poor for a year and see then what you think. we went to a typical marketplace to find what the local residents think of the miracle rice. as is often the case with a new product there is a lot of skepticism still we were interested to see people's spontaneous reactions when they suddenly encountered yellow rice in place of the usual white or red grains we brought along a small can of golden rice to show to vendors and consumers what do you think about . the. i don't.
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know. what you assembly i don't think so. and i like that i think. if i had it right then he said it would break the stepfather and the other night. that people like that would. eat. up. the catholic church is very important to the people of the philippines ninety percent of whom are key. affleck's. the church is a very powerful force in the country the. load. in an interview we learned of the catholic church has come out against genetically manipulated products like golden rice. about to get
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a saying through these that think that by. and saw the problem of poverty is. completely. so we in the they can very strong position against g.m.o. and even in. a nice way to. that we think that. the more they fight products are. due to have we should not sacrifice to help with the people and even though they'd vironment for the sake of short term propping up the corporations the miracle race from switzerland is up against a great deal of opposition and mistrust. you get the feeling you want to help these
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people but they don't want your help. you know exactly rights does not surprise you. as a citizen of switzerland you must have had plenty of opportunity to recognize how unpopular trends genetic plants are this golden rice is considered a dangerous plans by professional opponents of genetic engineering because it simultaneously shows that the technology is not only being used to benefit months until but to help the poor for the public good and to improve public health is that no one is making any profit from it. this name in my entire life i've never received a penny for our work the entire humanitarian board has invested its own time but never received any money for it so that means the entire arguments the g.m.o. opponents like to use really are not valid anymore guns an argument dumps why they
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fight against our golden rice with all the means and resources they can muster the glow in the eyes. takes. china. a small city in hunan province the date is october two thousand and twelve. our research into golden rice has brought us to this school where u.s. researchers have been testing the product on six to eight year old children according to greenpeace and scientists critical of genetic technology the testing was carried out without telling the parents that their children were being fed genetic modified rice we have come here to find out what really happened we succeed in meeting with some of the children and their families and asked them about the experiment draws us i'm a o.p.m. hog there were tables with numbers on the margin we had to sit down and eat. there were numbers. yes i remember i was number fifty four.
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does look how much how little they want us to see how much we ate hesitated and when something was left over they wrote it down hill since that is that. the rice thought it was disgusting i couldn't eat them. if you didn't finish it all you didn't get any notebooks or colored pencils if you didn't eat right they didn't let you go out at harvard yet. were you afraid michael morris very much. who took the blood samples just like the man who brought us the food along with the few doctors. the us researchers gave the school free meals. but they didn't tell the parents that their children were eating genetically modified rice.
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played. well with. science technology innovation all the least developments from around russia we dumped the huge you're covered. and we should. stay on humans. just. can't undo. if it's one. and we have some time. then years later. what's the difference it made no difference for me because i should know. but to make a difference for you. know
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the playing. field in big spirit travels with the flame from its place in greece. join james brown for an elemental and epic journey around russia and beyond. when you're followed around when you are being investigated because of the whim of someone this is the beginning of the end of your freedom. to save me keenly intercept american citizens. text messages you know. where the calls
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text messages so you just see everything without my knowledge actually basically and that's all legal absolutely yes when you bareback with the internet your bare back with big brother. speak to language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here. from the will talks about six of the interviews intriguing stories are you. trying. to. visit. well i think one of the real turning points was the massacre and we heard about in one nine hundred fifty three sharon had been given orders to create as much
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destruction as he could by the americans condemned this act there were seventy women and children killed they condemned the act i said the person who perpetrated this should be punished and so forth that your own established this policy of smashing. the palestinians and the arabs and hitting them ten times harder than they could get israel it looks like you know they're at a dead end here so called peace process which of course sharon was against from the very very beginning he wanted to create small pockets of palestinian presence in the west bank that would be surrounded with israeli settlements and so that is his legacy today and you know israel stuck with that reality today and is dealing with this question of centrally apartheid.
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coming up on r.t.l. white house appointed board made its way to capitol hill to make a case for n.s.a. surveillance. changes but will lawmakers and the white house agree on any meaningful reforms will have a report from capitol hill just head down in some parts of west virginia it's now safe to drink the tap water not everyone can drink from the fountain after last week's chemical spill was a state judge has a warning for the company responsible for the leak details coming up. and an undercover drug deal exposed the g.a.o. and justice department secretly met with members of the mexican drug cartel all mexican authorities were left in the dark find out how the u.s. was doing the cartels dirty work later in the show.


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